Digipro support
Digipro support

digipro support

  • A documentary with interviews with children: explaining cyberbullying and hate speech to adults from another point of view (about 30 minutes long, to be broadcast on Vimeo, YouTube and in schools).
  • Promote the inclusion of all students, representing the variety of needs, addressing the variety of disadvantaged students.
  • To produce digital tools, online methodology that can accompany European stakeholders in contributing to the reduction of cyber-bullying and hate speechphenomena, and to develop the skills of teachers, and support them in becoming facilitators of innovative digital educational pathways.
  • Experiment with participatory tools and methodologies that promote a new relationship with media and technologies.
  • Listening to the children's point of view, empowering them as citizens of the European Union and creating a space for debate and reflection on the project's topics.
  • Find ways to collaborate, create space for dialogue between teachers, parents and children that can facilitate the resolution of harmful or dangerous online situations, activating the positive resources of communities and stakeholders.
  • The collaboration between practitioners from different countries will result in a multi-faceted overview, pooling perspectives from different European contexts. Through transnational exchanges, partners from participating countries will have the opportunity to learn about what has worked in other contexts.

    digipro support

    Each activity will take into consideration the specific nationality of the theme and the expertise of the partner. The project will involve activities at the European level and exchanges between partners to ensure a real European dimension. Thus, the aim is to reduce hate speech and cyber-bullying through the development of digital and media competences, as well as to develop and transmit common EU values, principles of unity and acceptance of diversity, encouraging the development of intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy. The project wants to rethink the chain "children/parents/teachers" from the point of view of an educational community, where everyone, even the youngest members, has a positive role to play. They often complain about the lack of collaboration of families in specifying rules and values at the same time parents complain about the lack of educational projects that could support parenting in this area. Teachers don’t tend to intervene with their students' online activity and are more restrictive than proactive.

    digipro support

    According to surveys conducted by UNICEF in 2017, the figure rises to 12%. A study carried out in Spain by Save The Children, in 2016, states that 6.9% of students between 9 and 16 years old say that they have suffered cyberbullying at some point. According to data from the INE (National Instutue of Statistics in Spain) (2006), the use of ICT by children in our country is already 95%. The DigiPro project focuses on the challenges of the digital world - cyberbullying and hate speech online.

    Digipro support